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2017 Holy Thursday

Later this night, after sundown, Parish Priest Fr. Clement Lim and Deacon Thomas celebrated Holy Thursday marking the end of Lent and the beginning of Easter ‘Triduum’ or three, of the Holy Week, when Jesus held the Last Supper before his crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Sunday. Holy Thursday is also known as Maundy Thursday. The word ‘Maundy’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Mandatum’ which means commandment. In addition, today commemorates the Institution of Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

Parish Priest Fr. Clement Lim spent Holy Thursday washing the feet of 12 parishioners of various races locally, from East Malaysian and of different nationality to symbolize Christ’s washing of this twelve Apostles, our first bishops and priest. The Mass stressed the importance Jesus puts on the humility of service and the need for cleansing with water, a symbol of baptism. Also emphasised are the critical importance of the Eucharist and the sacrifice of Christ’s body, which were found present in the consecrated Host.

After the conclusion of the Mass, parishioners joined the procession which were led by Fr. Clement and Deacon Thomas to transfer the Most Blessed Sacrament from the tabernacle to the Altar of Repose at HRC Hall. Parishioners are invited to continue Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the night, just as the disciples were invited to stay up with Jesus during His Agony in the garden before His Betrayal by Judas.


2017 Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday marks the start of the Holy Week that leads up to Easter. Today we observe the day that Jesus entered into Jerusalem. The day is called ‘Palm Sunday’ because the people of Jerusalem threw palm leaves to the floor as a greeting when He arrived.

On the 8 April (Saturday Sunset Mass) and 9 April (Sunday), hundreds of parishioners commemorates Palm Sunday by carrying palm branches in procession after the Blessing of the Palm at the front of Church entrance.



Feast of Presentation of the Lord

Today the Feast of Presentation of the Lord was celebrated at the Church by parish priest, which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas day, since the blessing and procession of candles is included in today’s liturgy.

Together with Parishioners of Church of the Holy Redeemer Klang, candles are blessed and we carry them in procession to welcome Christ, the light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of his people.