Councils And Ministries of the Parish
Parish Pastoral Council | Parish Coordinating Council | Parish Finance Council | Liturgy Commission | Family Life | Formation Groups | Language Apostolate
Parish Pastoral Council
Role and Function of the Parish Pastoral Councils
Canon Law provides for the formation of Parish Pastoral Councils in Canon 536 #1.
"In every parish of the diocese, a Pastoral Council shall be established, if the diocesan Bishop, after consulting with the Council of Presbyters, so decides. The pastor presides over the Pastoral Council. The Pastoral Council is composed of members of the congregation together with those of the parish staff who have pastoral care by reason of their office. The Pastoral Council assists in promoting pastoral action in the parish."
What constitutes parish staff will vary from parish to parish. Pastoral Team members are those who are involved in the day-to-day ministry of the parish. They may be full time, part time, or volunteers. The Pastoral Team generally has its own unique relationship with the pastor as it endeavors to carry out its responsibilities and ministry within the parish.
Pastoral Team members may be invited to attend some pastoral council meetings when their expertise or training may be of assistance to the council. It is recommended that where applicable an assistant pastor, by virtue of office, be a member of the council. Other ex officio members may be included at the discretion of the pastor. However, their presence should not dominate council meetings or stifle the voice of the general membership.
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body, pastoral in nature, because it strives to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among God's people in the parish. A Parish Pastoral Council gives its help to the pastor in fostering pastoral activity; it investigates, under the authority of the pastor, all those things which pertain to pastoral works to ponder them, and to propose practical conclusions about them. It is essential that Council meetings occur in the context of prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit, so that at all times the common good will prevail.
Specifically, the Parish Pastoral Council's purpose is to enhance the process of:
- pastoral planning
- developing pastoral programs
- improving pastoral services
- evaluating the pastoral effectiveness of various programs and services
Although the Council is not a body which makes binding decisions, the recommendations of the Pastoral Council are to be taken seriously when grounded in prayer, discernment and communal wisdom.
The pastor presides over the Parish Pastoral Council. The pastor is responsible for the final approval of Council recommendations concerning pastoral planning, programs, and services for the parish, as well as for their implementation. While the pastor is not obliged to follow the recommendations of the Parish Pastoral Council, it is understood that he ought to do so unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise. If there is such a reason, the pastor should share this with the Council.
Parish Pastoral Council Membership
The process used for identifying new council members will vary from parish to parish, but ought to include some opportunity for parishioners to participate. The entire process needs to be permeated with private and public prayer to the Holy Spirit. The intention should be included in the prayers of intercession at each Mass.
Ordinarily, the composition of the Council should be a balance between members:
- nominated and elected by the parish at large
- appointed by the pastor
The number of council members should consist of not less than 6, or more than 15 members. Councilors are to be chosen so as to truly reflect the wisdom of the parish community. When parishioners understand the Council ministry and have an opportunity to discern which parishioners are suited for it, they can contribute enormously to the selection of councilors.
Serving on the council is a ministry to the whole parish. When considering membership on the council, the following criteria should be kept in mind. Potential candidates should be:
- of proven faith,
- with sound morals,
- demonstrating the gifts of wisdom and prudence,
- willing to commit their time, talent and wisdom in a consultative and collaborative manner.
Council members should have the ability to study and reflect prayerfully, and to recognize and respect the viewpoints of others.
Official Church documents state that the Pastoral Councils are to represent the people of God, but not in the legal sense. Rather, council members are representative in that they are a witness or a sign of the whole community. They make its wisdom present. (Sacred Congregation for the Clergy, Private letter on Pastoral Councils, # 7).
The Pastoral Council is a representative body rather than a body of representatives. A council member is not a representative for a particular neighborhood, age bracket, special interest group or organization.
Members are required to attend monthly meetings of the council (from September until June). Considering the responsibility entrusted to them, Parish Pastoral Council members are expected to participate in an ongoing formation process.
Ongoing formation at the parish level may include an annual evening of recollection and other prayer experiences. In addition, the diocese will also offer regular presentations on pastoral planning, goal-setting, visioning, conflict resolution and discernment.
HRC Klang Parish Pastoral Council Membership:
Title | Name |
Parish Priest | Rev. Fr. Andrew Kooi |
Chairperson | James Charles |
Secretary | Dominic Bay |
Committee Member: Parish Coordinator Council: Chairperson | Robert Basker |
Committee Member: Liturgical Commission - Coordinator | Teresa Lopez |
Committee Member: Formation/ Catechetical Coordinator | Esther James |
Committee Member: BECCOT Chairperson | |
Committee Member: Finance Council Chairperson | Matthew Lee |
Committee Member: Family Life Ministry Chair - couple | Robert & Shelah Basker |
Committee Member: Youth Vice President | Dominic Bay |
Committee Member: PIHDM Coordinator | Eric Khor |
Committee Member: Chinese Apostolate Coordinator | Mary Pua |
Committee Member: Bahasa Malaysia Apostolate Coordinator | Penny Paluk |
Committee Member: Tamil Apostolate Coordinator | Robert Raju |
Title | Name |
Parish Priest | Rev. Fr. Andrew Kooi |
Chairperson | Robert Basker |
Secretary | Xavier Wong |
BECCOT Coordinator | |
Committee Member: Liturgy Coordinator | Teresa Lopez |
Committee Member: Youth President | Jessica Low |
Committee Member: Senior Parishioners Group - Coordinator | Peter Chan |
Committee Member: Catechetical - Coordinator | Esther James |
Committee Member: Family Life - Coordinator | Robert Basker and Shelah Basker |
Committee Member: RCIA - English Coordinator | Ireneaus Bay |
Committee Member: RCIA - Mandarin Coordinator | Helen Tan |
Committee Member: RCIA - Bahasa Coordinator | Sr. Irene |
Committee Member: Legion of Mary - President | Mary Sam |
Committee Member: Charismatic Renewal Prayer Group: Coordinator | Terence Ng |
Committee Member: Chinese Apostolate - Coordinator | Mary Pua |
Committee Member: Tamil Apostolate : Coordinator | Robert Raju |
Committee Member: Bahasa Apostolate : Coordinator | Penny Paluk |
Committee Member: Parish Integral Human Development Ministry - Coordinator | Eric Khor |
Parish Finance Council
Introduction and Background
Parish Finance Council assists the pastor in the administration of parish temporal matters. An active, well-formed Parish Finance Council is a key element for promoting the financial health of a parish, assuring accountability and assisting the pastor with his temporal responsibilities.
In the administration of temporal goods of the parish, Canon 532 defines the role of the pastor as the authoritative representative of the parish.
“The pastor represents the parish in all juridic affairs in accord with the norm of law; he is to see to it that the goods of the parish are administered in accord with the norms of canons 1281-1288.”
Canon 537 introduces the Parish Finance Council as a mandated body having an advisory and consultative role with the pastor.
“Each parish is to have a finance council which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the diocesan bishop; in this council the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods with due regard for the prescription of canon 532.”
Every parish therefore is required to have a Parish Finance Council, both by adherence to the Code of Canon Law and by local norms issued by the diocesan bishop. To be effective the Parish Finance Council should meet regularly with specific agendas and should have access to all the relevant financial information and policies of the parish.
Consultive Body to Pastor
The Finance Council works closely with the pastor, who is accountable to the diocesan bishop for the administration and stewardship of the temporal goods of the parish. The pastor, according to Canon Law, has among his responsibilities, the responsibility for parish financial and temporal management. The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body that assists the pastor in meeting these obligations. While the Parish Finance Council does not have decision making authority, consultation is at the heart of the decision-making process – sharing information, listening, contributing to the discussion, and promoting consensus.
Canon law states that the pastor is obligated to consult the Finance Council on certain matters. Although the pastor is not obliged to follow the recommendations of the Finance Council, the pastor should not act against such advice, especially when there is consensus, unless there is an overriding reason. In other words, the prudent pastor would not ignore the advice of the Finance Council unless there was a serious reason to do so. When acting contrary to its recommendations the pastor should provide an explanation to the Finance Council regarding the reasons for his decision.
In order to be effective in their responsibilities as members of the Parish Finance Council, members should have a love for the Church and its mission and develop a thorough understanding of the parish’s mission, goals, people and other resources. The members should have knowledge of diocesan statutes and policies regarding temporal issues and other financial matters. It is the pastor’s responsibility to give the members appropriate background and enrichment so they are able to carry out their duties.
Recommended Areas for Finance Council Consultation
- The advice of the Finance Council should be sought both for acts of ordinary administration and acts of extraordinary administration. However, the degree of consultation varies. For certain actions of day-to-day administration, the pastor does not need any specific authorization to carry out such acts, but may find it helpful to seek the advice of the Parish Finance Council even in these matters. (For example, while the purchase of ordinary amounts of office supplies is within the pastor’s authority, the Finance Council may provide useful advice on strategies that reduce the cost of such recurring purchases.)
- A parish will seek approval of the diocesan bishop and/or episcopal vicar for Labrador prior to performing extraordinary acts of administration. Extraordinary acts of administration are defined by local norms and sometimes by the particular statutes of the parish.
- The advice of the Finance Council should be sought in the management of parish funds and banking arrangements. A limited number of bank accounts should be established and procedures for approving new accounts should be in place. The Finance Council should approve a new bank account before it is opened.
- The Finance Council should review the parish annual budget and parish annual report. They should ordinarily be involved in the preparation of both reports, particularly the budget report.
- The Finance Council should provide assistance in the formulation and communication of the Annual Financial Report to the parish community, as required by Canon 1287.2. Understandable, regular and complete communication to parishioners is a key responsibility of the parish administrator and an important area for the Parish Finance Council to assist. Communication keeps parishioners informed of the parish’s condition, its priorities, its needs, and progress on previously announced initiatives.
- Regularly review periodic (at least quarterly) financial reports – balance sheet, income statements, comparisons to budget as well as prior year results and cash flow analysis.
- Consult on the construction or renovation of parish facilities, and rental agreements. The Finance Council assists the pastor in planning for repair, replacement, or service of property and equipment to ensure that the parish buildings and property are adequately maintained. Review maintenance and utility costs seeking to minimize costs through preventative maintenance, energy conservation, and the implementation of risk management programs and recommendations.
- Assess effectiveness of existing fund-raising programs and recommend new programs or changes to existing programs if revenues are insufficient. Support parish and diocesan stewardship programs.
The Parish Finance Council is about the life of a community of faith and, as such, its members should be members of that community of faith. As in other matters, the Pastor may use his discretion in the selection of qualified members from the parish community.
Members should be drawn from the parish community and reflect its diversity. This requirement may be waived if special expertise is sought. Where appropriate, outside advice and counsel can also be engaged to obtain needed specific expertise.
Members of the Parish Finance Council should be chosen based on demonstrable skills or expertise in management and/or finance. Skill sets to consider include business, law, accounting, and communications. Additionally, persons with professional knowledge and experience in engineering, construction, maintenance, and purchasing could also make a significant contribution and should be recruited when available. Expertise can vary widely and include a business executive, accountant, lawyer, and small business owner.
Number of Members
Membership should consist of no less than three members. A quorum shall consist of the majority of members. It is recommended that the Parish Finance Council have an odd number of members and that, except for unusual circumstances, membership be capped at no more than nine voting members.
The officers of the Parish Finance Council shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary.
The pastor shall appoint the Chairperson after the members have gone through a period of discernment.
The Chairperson will preside in a parliamentary manner at all meetings and, in consultation with the Pastor or Parish Administrator, will be responsible for selecting the hour and location of meetings, preparing the meeting agenda, and any other duties so assigned by the Pastor or Parish Administrator.
The Vice-Chairperson will have delegated responsibilities.
The Secretary will be responsible for the recording and distribution of minutes, notifying members of upcoming meetings, maintaining a permanent record of each member’s tenure and of business conducted by the Parish Finance Council, and any other duties so assigned by the Chairperson.
Conflicts of Interest / Preclusion to Membership
Parish Finance Council members owe the parish a duty of loyalty. The duty of loyalty requires a Parish Finance Council member to act in the interest of the parish rather than in the personal interest of the member or some other person or organization. In particular, the duty of loyalty requires a Parish Finance Council member to avoid conflicts of interest that are detrimental to the parish.
Any person who may have a conflict of interest in view of other services, either paid or unpaid, rendered to the parish by the Parish Finance Council member, the member’s family or the member’s business is ineligible to serve as a member of the Parish Finance Council.
No parish employee or member of the family of an employee or relative of the pastor may serve on the finance council.
Members of the Parish Finance Council may serve in other volunteer service roles in the parish such as other committees or boards if, in the judgment of the pastor, such dual service will not create conflict of interest situations. The role of the Parish Finance Council should not be vitiated.
Members are to be appointed by the pastor for fixed terms to be determined at the local level, and may be reappointed or terminated in this role by the pastor at the pastor’s sole discretion. It is suggested that reappointments are limited to a specific period of time. It may be helpful to stagger the terms so that there is continuity of service and no disruption to the function of the Finance Council. For example, a parish may adopt a term of three years, renewable once.
When a pastorate becomes vacant, it is recommended that the Parish Finance Council remain in place to assist the administrator and to provide continuity in a transition. After a suitable period of transition with a new pastor, the new pastor can ask the council members if they are willing to complete their respective terms or whether he would like some or all of the members to resign so that new members can be recruited to the Parish Finance Council.
Meeting Protocols
In striving for openness and accountability in its practices, meeting minutes summarizing the items discussed and the decisions reached should be recorded. Prepared agendas, distributed in advance, will keep meetings focused.
Plan meetings in advance and create an annual schedule of meeting dates and times. This will increase participation by members.
1. Schedule Meetings
Schedule meeting times at least once a quarter, or more frequently if required. Some parishes use a format of the finance council meeting every other month with subcommittees meeting during the off months. Meeting times and dates should be predictable, such as a day and week of each month. Since the purpose of the Parish Finance Council is to provide advice and support to the pastor, the pastor should be present at the Parish Finance Council meetings.
Formulate a communication method among officers to deal with Parish Finance Council matters between meetings.
2. Use of Agendas and Review Materials
Meeting agendas should be prepared in advance of the meeting by consultation between the Pastor and Parish Finance Council Chair. The agenda should list the major items for discussion.
Supplying information in advance to members will lead to more productive meetings.
3. Recording of Meeting Minutes
Minutes should be recorded by the Parish Finance Council Secretary and archived as part of the parish permanent record.
4. Confidentiality
Members should maintain confidentiality on those matters designated as confidential. Materials such as agendas, meeting minutes, and review materials should not be disclosed to others if designated as confidential.
Parish Finance Council meetings are typically not open to the parish community. Reports to the community will be shared once decisions are finalized. Communication with the parish should also occur at the onset of studying an issue to solicit needs and concerns, gifts and resources of the parish community. The primary purpose of the Parish Finance Council is to provide open and honest advice to the pastor, if the meetings occurred in a public forum, the discussion may be too limited. The Finance Council should advise the pastor on the best ways to keep the parish informed and involved in key issues and decisions facing the parish.
5. Record Retention
The parish should retain meeting minutes, agendas, handouts, reports, and materials reviewed during the meeting for future reference by either internal or external parties.
It often makes sense to divide the Finance Council into subcommittees to deal with responsibilities and duties. The magnitude and complexity of the different subcommittees depends upon the size, resources, obligations, and needs of each particular parish. The Finance Council, following the priorities established by the Parish Pastoral Council, coordinates the work of these subcommittees.
The work of the subcommittees may encompass the following:
1. Budget Subcommittee
- To assist the pastor in the preparation, presentation, and review of an annual budget for both operating and capital expenditures based upon the goals and objectives determined by the Parish Pastoral Council. This approved budget should be published and made available to parishioners.
- To study parish revenue and make recommendations to the Parish Pastoral Council for maintaining and increasing revenues in order to meet parish objectives and priorities.
- To periodically (e.g. monthly or quarterly) review income and expenditures and make recommendations as necessary to see that expenses are within set limits. Monitor parish contribution trends.
- To provide parishioners with periodic (e.g. semi-annual or annual), comprehensive written reports on the parish’s financial position, including a statement of activity and balance sheet accounts. Consider oral reports to parishioners to elaborate on key results and issues.
- To review periodic financial audits of the parish performed by an independent auditor and advise on how to address and correct identified weaknesses. Assist in communicating results of audits to parishioners.
- To educate parishioners about stewardship and the need for parish involvement and support. If a parish has a separate stewardship committee this responsibility would fall to that committee.
- To review cost-cutting measures when necessary.
2. Facilities and Maintenance Subcommittee
- Advise the Pastor regarding the results of quarterly inspection of all parish facilities.
- Recommend repairs or replacements based on priorities established by these inspections.
- Assist in the development of guidelines concerning use of parish facilities.
- Assist in the development of parish energy conservation programs.
- Develop teams of parishioners who will donate time and talents for parish maintenance tasks, taking note of the extent to which such work is allowed to be performed by volunteers under the guidelines of the diocesan risk management and insurance programs.
- Review the parish’s risk management and loss prevention reports in order to insure corrective action is taken where necessary.
- Ensure that the safety and security of the parish campus is addressed and reviewed regularly.
3. Financial Planning and Development Subcommittee
- To provide long-range planning for both the financial and physical needs of the parish.
- To work closely with the budget and maintenance subcommittees, the Parish Pastoral Council, and other parish organizations to adequately plan and identify for the long range financial and physical needs of the parish.
Relationship to Pastoral Council
Since the Parish Finance Council relates to the administrative responsibilities of the pastor, it should not be a part of the Parish Pastoral Council structure. However an officer from the Parish Finance Council may serve as an ex-officio member of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Communication between the two councils is essential to share information regarding the parish finances in order to implement the pastoral plans and priorities.
An appropriate means of communication should be developed between the Parish Finance Council and the Parish Pastoral Council and this should be done so as to ensure that the Parish Finance Council does not enter into areas of policy and mission, which are the prerogative of the Parish Pastoral Council. The Parish Finance Council advises on the adequacy of resources to accomplish the mission and specific ministries of the parish.
Title | Name |
Parish Priest | Rev. Fr. Andrew Kooi |
Chairperson | Matthew Lee |
Secretary | Jaclyn Chua |
Treasurer | John Neo |
Committee | Brendan Yap |
Liturgical Commission
All Liturgical celebrations, especially the celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy, are celebrations of the whole Church. They are not private functions. The Church is the “sacrament of unity: the holy people united and arranged under their bishops. Therefore, liturgical services pertain to the whole Body of the Church”. (CSL 26)
In the midst of this Body, there are individual ministries who serve all the faithful by executing different functions. These functions are integral and necessary parts for the liturgy to be performed in a dignified and reverend manner, and for respecting the nature, shape, and dynamic of liturgy. These ministries may include:
- Priest (Main Celebrant)
- Deacon
- Altar Servers
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Lectors
- Hospitality/Warden
- Music Ministers (choir/cantor)
- Sound & Projector Ministry
The Priest & Deacon are ordained ministers; the Priest is the single indispensable minister for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Fr. John wrote about this in the Faith Focus section of this bulletin. The Deacon, when present, has specific functions pertaining to his role in the celebration, and these must be observed.
Lay Liturgical Ministers exercise a “genuine liturgical function. They ought, therefore, to perform their roles with the sincere piety and decorum demanded by so exalted ministries and rightly expected of them by God’s people” (CSL 29).
All liturgical ministers exist for the service of the Body of Christ, the People of God, the assembly gathered in God’s name. Although serving in any of these ministries should be a source of joy and satisfaction for individual people, these ministries exist for the benefit and service of the Church and not for individual or personal piety, spiritual growth, or status. As such, these ministries are regulated by Church and Liturgical law and are submitted to the authority of the Bishop and the local Pastor (USCCB).
At Holy Faith Catholic Church, these liturgical ministries strive to be modeled after the example of service of Jesus Christ in the Washing of the Disciple’s feet at the Last Supper. (John 13: 1-15). Serving at the Liturgy is an act of self-giving, not self-seeking; an act of love that must be continued in the ordinary of our lives for the glory of God. Therefore, “The faithful should not refuse to serve the People of God in gladness whenever they are asked to perform some particular service or function in the liturgical celebration.” (GIRM 97)
Formation and training is required by Diocesan and Local norms for all who are interested in Liturgical Ministry even if you have been trained in another parish or diocese and have experience in liturgical service.
Training varies from parish to parish in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, and may vary from ministry to ministry.
At Holy Faith Catholic Church all interested ministers are required to attend a two-hour General Session followed by practical training for individual ministries. The practical training will vary according to ministry. The General Sessions are offered as need arises, generally twice a year. On special occasions, we may begin formation with practical training, following at a later date the attendance at one of the General Sessions (this General Session is required for continuing in the ministry).
Title | Name |
Parish Priest | Rev. Fr. Andrew Kooi |
Coordinator | Teresa Lopez |
Vice-Coordinator / Hospitality | Adrian Low |
Secretary | Dominic Bay |
Choir Master | Scholastica Choo |
Chinese Apostolate: Coordinator | Regina Bon |
Lectors | Ireneaus Bay |
Altar Servers (Advisor) | Justeen Rajah |
Altar Servers | Matthew Anthony |
KUBM Representative | Esther Allen Gundau |
EMOHC | Anthony Marshall |
Family Life Ministry
Ministry Purpose/Objective
It is established to minister to the needs of all Couples, Parents, Single and Married Adults and the Divorced and Separated, helping each group and each individual in their journey towards a mature, happy and fulfilled Christian life. Above all, the ministry is to purposely help the Commission itself to support and promote programs and values that contribute towards a healthy family, no matter the family composition.
Ministry Focus
Minister to the needs of couples in whatever stages they are in their marital life, from young couples to empty nesters, helping them to live a fruitful and happy married life and to fulfill their God given vocation to married life with love, courage and perseverance.
Long Term Ministry Goals
- Encourage and empower couples to build their families as the primary context of spiritual formation for their children
- Every couple experiences martial problems and difficulties that often lead to marriage breakdown, thus, the ministry shall explore proactive/enrichment programs and activities to help couples learn how to navigate common martial problems and thus overcome such marriage pitfalls.
- Knowing that couples experience predictable developmental crises, preventive efforts can help families bridge the crisis, without becoming stuck and unhealthy. For example, programs can address adjusting to a new marriage, the transition to parenthood, preparing for adolescence, marriage after retirement, and death in the family. These developmental crises are predictable—we might as well help people navigate the transitions.
- Link couples to our Eucharistic Adoration & Prayer Ministry where we can assist them as they face specific challenges in their marriage and family.
1. Ministry to Parents
Ministry Focus
Like many parishes we here at Holy Redeemer's parish know how to minister to children and teenagers. Often parishes overlook their parents. Yet, we should definitely be serving them, especially considering that they are the greatest spiritual influence in their children’s life.
Thus, the focus of our ministry to parents is to equip them with parenting resources (spiritual, social, etc) to help them develop their parenting abilities and thereby fulfill their vocation to raise faithful Catholics and responsible citizens.
Long Term Ministry Goals
- Encourage and empower parents through parenting trainings.
- Provide support to parents.
- Maintain a parenting page in parish website where parents can share ideas and report success stories, things that work, and share resources and suggestions with each other.
- Link parents to our Eucharistic Adoration & Prayer Ministry where we can assist them as they face specific challenges with their children.
- Connect parents together through activities where they can talk about their kids and brainstorm informally about solutions. Such events help to re-energize them to hang in there and keep doing the hard work of parenting.
- Keeping them informed on prevalent cultures affecting their children out there in the society
- Liaise with the leaders and coordinators of Children’s Ministry, Youth and single adults ministries as they strive to partner with the parents of those they minister to, thus maximizing our outreach and efforts for successful faith formation of our children.
2. Ministry to Adults
Ministry Focus
To serve the needs of adults within the age range of 40 to 60 years, whether they are single or married. Our married adults will also be the focus of our ministry to Couples. Thus, the focus of the ministry to adults is mostly towards those who are single. But, rather than establish a Singles Ministry to minister to their needs separately, we shall do so within the context of our ministry to adults. It is our hope that their needs be met within this larger context, making it easier for them to participate without feeling singled out or stereotyped.
Who Are Single Adults
Many adults in our world today are single. Some of these have chosen to be single either for religious reasons (they wish to serve the Lord, the Church or their aging parents) or for secular reasons (their career and work make marriage difficult). Others have not specifically chosen to be single, but find themselves so either because they have not yet found a spouse, or they are separated or divorced, or their spouses have died. Whatever the reasons or circumstances the Father loves those who are now living single lives. He wishes to bless their lives and to bring to their lives a deep peace and joy. Being single is a viable lifestyle and God provides grace for living life as a Christian single adult.
Our parish has always encouraged and continues to encourage strong family bonds and hosts many family-friendly activities. However, like in many other parishes, our single adults often feel left out. We shall strive to provide our single members the opportunities to bond and grow in faith.
Research shows that the population of single adults has grown over the years and will continue to grow. They make up a good percentage of each parish. Thus, here, as we seek to grow and position our parish for the future we want to make sure that our single adults find a welcoming home and good support as they strive to live out their Christian vocation in their state of life.
Long Term Ministry Goals
- Work with Faith Formation and Liturgy Commissions to facilitate spiritual growth
- Equip them with skills for living productive lives
- Provide support for singles adults and help them know that they are not alone
- Assist them in their times of difficulty
- Encourage them to minister to others through involvement in the parish and through service projects to the community, when and where possible.
- Integrate them into parish programs and encourage them to use their gifts, talents, and abilities.
- Assist Bereavement ministry to meet the needs of grieving widows and widowers through our expressions of love, compassion, and acceptance.
- Offer bible study where issues concerning singles, such as divorce, relationship and loneliness are tackled from a biblical perspective.
3. Ministry to the Divorced and Separated
“I earnestly call upon pastors and the whole community of the faithful to help the divorced and with solicitous care, to make sure that they do not consider themselves as separated from the Church… Let the Church pray for them, encourage them and show herself a merciful mother and thus sustain them in faith and hope.” -Pope John Paul II, On the Family, #84
Nothing – not even divorce or death – can place limits on God’s love.”
Divorce has touched nearly every Catholic family in our country. It’s a painful process that affects every aspect of human existence.
Divorce or separation bring with them traumatic and overwhelming range of emotions that include confusion, pain and hurt. Sadly, as if their negative experiences are not enough, many of those who go through this experience end up feeling rejected by the Church.
If you are separated or divorced, the Church cares about you.
The Church loves her own, no matter who they are and what they have done or not done, because they too are beloved children of our loving and compassionate God. Therefore, as a parish, we strive to care for anyone who comes through our doors, no matter who they are and what they have done or not done.
Ministry Focus
Separation and divorce are difficult and usually grievous losses, yet filled with potential for vibrant new growth and responsiveness to grace.
The focus of our ministry to the divorced and separated is to help bring healing to those who are hurting from the effects of a divorce or separation, including their famiies. We shall strive to bring them healing, so that transformed and free again, they can love themselves, others, and God.
Long Term Ministry Goals
Create divorce recovery programs that:
- Foster spiritual and emotional recovery of those who separate or divorce
- Help to lead to a healthier family relationship
- Strengthen stronger spiritual life
- Increase emotional health and self respect
- Provide tools to deal with the pain of the loss
- Enhance the ability to begin living again, contributing to the society and the church.
Provide resources for those who come to the ministry for support
Ultimately, separated and divorced people, through their vulnerability, suffering, courage, faithfulness, and patient endurance bear witness to Christ and his redeeming grace in the world. They are not mere recipients of the Church's compassion; they are, as well, ministers of that compassion.
Things to Know About Divorce and Annulments
- Divorced/remarried Catholics are not excommunicated.
- Someone married for a long time can get an annulment.
- Someone with children can get an annulment.
- Annulments do take years to process and do have to be processed in Rome. [Depend on study - case to case]
- The process is now shorter, but the grounds or conditions for annulment remain the same
Things to Know About Divorce and Parish Life
- Separated/divorced Catholics are welcome at Mass and Church activities.
- Separated/divorced Catholics can be sponsors at Baptism and Confirmation.
- Separated/divorced Catholics can receive the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation.
- Separated/divorced Catholics can have their children baptized and receive other sacraments.
Things to Know About Remarried Catholics
- Catholics who remarried in the Church after receiving an annulment can receive the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation
- Catholics in a marriage (initial marriage or remarried) that has not been blessed or solemnized at the altar should not receive the sacrament of Eucharist.
4. Family Support Programs:
Families have varying numbers and degrees of stumbling blocks, ranging from spiritual to economical or material, social to cultural, moral to secular, etc. Through our Family Life Ministry we shall strive to provide as much support to our families and the families in our neighborhoods with as much support as possible.
Family Life Ministry Team Member Position Description
There shall be a minimum of 8 members and a maximum of 10 members on the Team. Efforts should be made to make the team as diverse as possible. There shall be a Coordinator for the Team. The team should include 1 or 2 young couples, single and married parents, 1 or 2 adult singles, 1 adult couple (empty nesters), a divorced or separated member, and 1 or 2 members from the Family Life Commission.
Reports to: Family Ministry Coordinator
General Responsibilities of Every Ministry and Committee Member:
Specific Responsibilities of Family Ministry Team Member
- Helps the ministry to implement its goals and objectives through planned activities
- Helps to discern the needs of the parish groups they serve
- Helps to plan activities and programs that will address such needs
- Create a welcoming and happy environment for those they serve.
- Helps to research for resources that will benefit those they serve
Special Activities
- Attend annual parish Ministry Recollection Day
- Help with Annual Stewardship Fair
- As planned by the Ministry
Time Commitment
- This also depends on the number of events the Ministry decides to offer.
Expected Length of Commitment
- Minimum of two years.
Time of Commitment
- Time for meetings
- Time dedicated to follow up on proposed activities
- Time dedicated to actual activities and programs
- Delegate other members to certain activities.
Seniors Group Parishioners
Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is found on the path of righteousness. (Proverb 16:31)
Senior Ministry Coordinator Position Description
Reports to: Report to Family Life Ministry - Coordinator
General Responsibilities of Every Ministry and Committee Chairperson and Coordinator:
Specific Responsibilities of Senior Ministry Coordinator
Coordinate activities of the Seniors
- Explore new activities for the Seniors, with help from the Commission and Stewardship Committee
- Delegate some of the tasks to some of the members of the Senior Ministry
- Strive to make the ministry one that is for the seniors by the seniors
- Help inform parish office of any senior members who is sick or in the hospital so that a priest would visit them and EMHC could bring Communion to them
Special Activities
- Host an orientation for new members of the Senior Ministry, if and when needed
- Attend Annual parish Leadership training
Time of Commitment
- Needs time to explore and plan activities for the ministry, bearing in mind the need to delegate a lot of the activities to members of the ministry who are able and available to help
- Needs time to execute the planned activities of the group, once more delegating tasks to others.
Expected Length of Commitment
At least three years.
General Qualifications Required of Every Ministry and Committee Chairperson and Coordinator:
Specific Qualifications Required
- Ability to appreciate and value seniors and what they bring to the table
- Ability to explore new activities
- Ability to plan, coordinate and execute activities
- Ability to work with others, especially since the Coordinator needs to delegate members to help run the ministry so that it becomes ministry to the seniors by the seniors, and not for the seniors.
- Organized and dependable
Other Things The Coordinator Shall Keep In Mind
For the Success of the ministry, the Coordinator shall:
- Work with the Outreach and Evangelization Commission Chair to find out services provided by government agencies in our community
- Bear in mind that some of agencies may be willing to present workshops and education seminars here.
- Work with the Pastor and Family Life Ministry - Coordinator to regularly:
- Inform parishioners of the achievements of our seniors.
- Use our Sunday Masses to inform parishioners about our aging and senior adults.
Facts and Ideas that will enhance the ministry:
- Explore and implement programs that will help to fulfill the purpose and goals of the Ministry
- Always take into consideration the facts that some of the families of our seniors have scattered, and some of the close friends of our seniors have died, and the incomes of our seniors are often limited.
- Be aware that their concern and fear can become overbearing, and that our ministry to them can bring renewal to their hearts and minds.
- Be aware that not all seniors will be as actively involved as others due to personal circumstances.
- However, remember to keep everyone informed of any ministry activities available regardless of how often they attend.
- Visit other Senior programs in our area – we may benefit from their experience.
Title | Name |
Family Life Coordinator [E] | Robert Basker & Shelah Basker |
Family Life Coordinator [M] | John Tan & Jessica Ng |
Family Life Coordinator [T] | Robert Raju & Vimala |
Treasurer | Nicholas Chia & Judith Petrus |
Children Ministry | Matthias Basker & Samuel Jeremiah |
Youth Advisor [E] | Adrian Low |
Youth Advisor [M] | Peter Mah |
Youth Coordinator [E] | |
Single Adult: Coodinator | James Soosai |
Single Again | Sofia Sita Devi; Nirmala Catherine |
Senior Group Parishioners Representative | Nancy Eoon |
Famile Life Coordinator [B] | Penny Palok |
Title | Name |
Chairperson | Esther James |
Catechetical Coordinator [E] | Esther James |
Catechetical Coordinator [M] | Maria Tee Jia Jia |
Catechetical Coordinator [B] | Ester James Moiji |
RCIA Coordinator [E] | Ireneaus Bay |
RCIA Coordinator [M] | Helen Tan |
RCIA Coordinator [B] | Sr. Irene |
Charismatic Renewal Prayer [E] - Coordinator | Terence Ng |
Legion of Mary [E] - Coordinator | Mary Sam |
Legion of Mary [M] - Coordinator | |
Work of Mercy | |
St. Vincent De Paul - Coordinator | Gwen Yow |
Parish Integral Human Development | Eric Khor |
Inter-Religious Dialogue - Coordinator |
Social Communication | |
Media - Coordinator [E] | Dominic Bay |
Media Coordinator [M] | Vivian Lim |