Re-Opening of HRC Klang for Resumption of Public Worship

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Greetings to all parishioners of Holy Redeemer Church.


Peace be with you.

As we prepare to re-open the church, please be aware of the guidelines and SOPs that we have adapted from KL Archdiocese in compliance with the government and health authorities. We recognise that they may be inconvenient and contrary to our culture of hospitality and community. However, in hoping to foster a safe environment for all, we thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.

With this in mind, our first ‘Public Mass’ in church will be on Sunday, 21st March 2021, at 9:30am, and will be a Multilingual Mass. Masses will then be on subsequent Sundays at 9:30am. However, in following the directive of the government, of which the number of attendees at any service is limited to one third of the capacity of the place of worship with social distancing, we can only allow 280 worshippers for now (1/3 of the capacity wit social distancing). (This is after deducting the number of those involved in Liturgy.) As such, not all parishioners will be able to attend Mass all at once, and this is where we care called to practice our Christian charity.

Below are the guidelines and procedures for your strict compliance:


  1. Please wear face mask at all times
  2. Maintain social distancing at all times (min. 1 meter)
  3. Practise cleanliness at all times
  4. Only those from 12 - 70 years old are allowed to come (Have received 1st Holy Communion).
  5. Parishioners who are exhibiting symptoms like fever, cough, respiratory issues and cold are not allowed to participate. Those who are in the very high-risk category (have underlying medical conditions like diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases) are not encouraged to attend as well.
  6. Admittance is on first-come first-serve basis. There will be no seat reservation.
  7. Please take note that after deducting the number of people involved in Liturgy, there will only be 141 seats available.
  8. The church gate will be open at 800am. Parishioners have to be in church at least 30 minutes before Mass, for temperature checking and registration for contact tracing purposes. Please bring your IC.
  9. Download the “SELANGKAH” app on your mobile device or any QR code scanner app (if your mobile phone camera does not have the scanning function) to scan the SELANGKAH QR code to check-in, and the Parish QR Code before leaving the premises.
  10. Kindly refrain from socialising with other parishioners.
  11. Kindly adhere to any instructions given by Hospitality Ministers and the ERT.
  12. If possible, please use toilets at home before coming to church. Church toilets should only be used for emergencies.
  13. Please do not touch the holy pictures and statues.
  14. Parish Office counter will be closed for now. If possible, any donations are to be made through online transactions. The bank details will be projected during announcements.
  15. If possible, check your body temperature before coming to ensure it is below 37.5°C
  16. No food and drinks allowed in church.
  17. There will be no Confessions before Mass at this moment. Kindly make an appointment with the office if you wish to see Fr. Clement for Confession.
  18. There will be no Special Blessings after Mass (children, car, etc.) Kindly make an appointment with the office if you wish to see Fr. Clement for Special Blessings.
  19. Dispensation is given for those who cannot attend Mass. You can participate in the KL Archdiocesan live streaming Masses.


 A. Before the Eucharistic Celebration

  1. When cars arrive in church, a number will be given to everyone in the car, to keep track of number of people coming to church.
  2. Please park only at the allocated parking lots. There will be no double-parking. Follow RELA instructions.
  3. Temperature will be scanned by the ERT members at the parking lots. If anyone in the car has body temperature higher than 37.5°C, everyone in the car will be asked to leave the premises.
  4. Only one entrance to the church will be open (main entrance).
  5. A registration table will be at the side of the entrance. There will be the SELANGKAH QR code and Parish QR code, Visitors Book, hand sanitisers, tissue on the table.
  6. Kindly show your IC to the ERT at the registration table. (below 12 years - 09xxxx-xx-xxxx and after /above 70 years - 49xxxx-xx-xxxx and before = not permitted to enter)
  7. Scan the SELANGKAH QR code and also manually fill in the Visitors Book (Name, contact, temp. reading, time of visit), for contact tracing. If you are unable to scan, just manually fill in the Visitors Book.
  8. Sanitise your hands before and after using the pen for filling in the Visitors Book. Fill in using capital letters.
  9. A Hospitality minister will usher you to a numbered seat, which will be recorded as well. Please do not change your seat.
  10. Once you reach your seat, kindly return the number given to you when you came in to the Hospitality Minister.
  11. Kindly refrain from socialising with other parishioners. Do not move around once you are at your seat.
  12. All gates will be closed when the capacity is filled or 15 minutes before the Eucharistic Celebration starts.
  13. When the capacity is filled, a FULL sign will be placed at the gate. If there are people who arrive after this, they will have to leave.


 B. During the Eucharistic Celebration

  1. Please observe the silent contemplation.
  2. There will be no singing during Mass. [Greater risk of infection as it increases the dispersion of air droplets]
  3. The Entrance Antiphon will be recited. (to replace the Entrance Hymn)
  4. Lord Have Mercy & Gloria will be recited/ sung.
  5. Offertory procession will be omitted.
  6. Collections – 2 collection boxes will be placed at the exit: For the Church & For the Poor/ Maintenance. Parishioners are invited to drop their offerings therein when leaving the church at the end of Mass.
  7. No holding of hands during the Our Father.
  8. Sign of Peace may be exchanged by performing a head bow only. Kissing, hugging, shaking hands or any physical contact should be avoided.
  9. Holy Communion – will recite the Communion Antiphon together and observe the grand silence.
  10. Receive by hands only, please sanitise your hands before receiving.
  11. Maintain social distancing. Follow the markings on the floor.

a) To refrain from going to toilets if possible.
b) Kindly adhere to any instructions given by Hospitality Ministers.


C. After the Eucharistic Celebration

  1. After the Eucharistic Celebration, all are advised to leave the church compound immediately, and not loiter
  2. There will be no Special Blessings after Mass (children, car, etc.) Kindly make an appointment with the office if you wish to see Fr. Clement for Special Blessings.
  3. Please maintain cleanliness. Do not leave used tissues, rubbish, etc.
  4. Parishioners are to leave row by row so as to not crowd the exit.
  5. Again, parishioners are invited to drop their offerings at the collection boxes placed at the exit when leaving the church.
  6. Scan the Parish QR code / manually fill in the Visitor Exit Form before (for KL Archdiocese contact tracing)


His Grace Archbishop Julian Leow D.D. has reminded us that “The Eucharist is indeed the “source and summit of Christian life,” and should always be our priority. But it is also the priority and responsibility of the Church to ensure that Catholics can return to church in a safe manner in accordance with all the recommended public health advisories.”

Due to the gradual and limited resumption of public celebration of Masses and restrictions imposed on attendance, please note that His Grace will continue to dispense all the faithful from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. The Archdiocese will also continue to provide live streamed Masses for the spiritual benefit of those who are unable to attend Mass.

Though we are currently in a period of uncertainty, where there will be those among us who will be upset and disappointed with the current regulations that have been laid out, I hope and pray that you will be patient, take courage and remain united in faith, hope and love. I look forward to the day when all of us can rejoice and celebrate Mass together as a big family and community once again.

God bless.


Yours sincerely,


Fr. Clement Lim
Parish Priest


You may download the letter above in PDF in 3 languages:

Resumption of Mass - HRC Klang
Resumption of Mass - HRC Klang - BM