Tag Archives: Ministry

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07-July-17 (Klang): 30 candidates received Sacrament of Confirmation from His Grace Archbishop Julian Leow. Responsorial Psalm was sung by one of the candidate who is receiving Sacrament of Confirmation.

18-Jun-17 (Klang): 25 Extraordinary Communion Minister were commissioned on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi at 11am Mass on Sunday.


17-Jun-17 (Klang): Feast of Corpus Christi Eucharistic Celebration followed by procession of Blessed Sacrament and later Benediction. It was then followed by Eucharistic Healing.


14-Apr-17 (Klang): Way of the Cross started at 3pm around the church compound. Parishioners took turn to carry the cross during the Stations of the Cross.


13-Apr-17 (Klang):Today marks the first day of Paschal Tridum – Holy Thursday. Blessed Sacrament was transferred from the tabernacle to the Altar of Repose at HRC Hall followed by Silent Adoration till midnight.


08-Apr-17 (Klang): Blessing of the Palm at the front of church entrance followed by procession around the church compound and thereafter Eucharistic Celebration in the Church. (sunset Mass)

02-Nov-16 (Klang): Children Mass: Thanksgiving hymn by Sunday School Children.

16-Oct-16 (Klang): 27 children received their Sacrament of Eucharist (First Holy Communion) which was celebrated by parish priest Fr. Clement Lim. After concluding the mass, the candidates sung the song “Anima Christi” to praise the Lord and to thanks their parents.